Happy New Year! We wish everyone the best in 2024!


If you haven’t joined us yet, act now! In the new year, apply here https://forms.gle/6iyYT21wc2Wd7AyZ9 to become part of our team.


If our work has helped you at all, please leave a comment below the video or donate to support eEasy Foundation’s Khan Academy Simplified Chinese project. eEasy Foundation is now a 501(c)3 organization, so any donations you make here https://eeasy.org/donations are tax-free! Your support will be of great encouragement to all of our volunteers. 


Khan Academy Simplified Chinese Website: https://zh.khanacademy.org

Khan Academy Simplified Chinese Offline Learning Kolibri Website: https://kolibri-demo.learningequality.org/en/learn/#/topics/ec599e77f9ad58028975e8a26e6f1821

Khan Academy Android APP (Supports Simplified Chinese): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.khanacademy.android&hl=zh-cn&gl=US

Khan Academy iOS APP (Supports Simplified Chinese): https://apps.apple.com/cn/app/khan-academy/id469863705#?platform=iphone

Khan Academy Simplified Chinese YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNjz0Oeo1LGYQ9O-F_lfcIw