The eEasy “Khan Academy Simplified Chinese” project covers translation of the following courses: basic mathematics, advanced mathematics (calculus and above), English grammar, world history, physics, chemistry, economics, statistics, computer science, and more. Our goal is to deliver the excellent and free educational resources of Khan Academy to children everywhere in China, and give as much help as possible to learners, especially in rural areas to promote global educational equity. To this end, the eEasy Foundation has long recruited volunteers all around the world who have the knowledge and technical ability to complete various tasks suited to their expertise. They help provide high-quality online learning resources in Simplified Chinese in a timely and effective manner to help students in China overcome the language barrier and solve any problems they encounter during the learning process. If you agree with the pedagogical philosophy of Khan Academy, are proficient in Chinese and English translation, currently working as a teacher in a public school in China, familiar with video editing, experienced with marketing, or skilled at fundraising for charitable efforts, then please apply to join our eEasy “Khan Academy Simplified Chinese” project team. You can apply through following corresponding team pages: Text Translation, Text Proofreading, Curriculum Mapping, Marketing Team, Fundraising Team, and we will notify you if you are accepted in about a week.

From our establishment in May 2018 to the present, we have achieved phenomenal growth in text translation and proofreading. You can check out our published content here. However, we are still facing many obstacles:

1) Lack of professional talent – We lack translators in corresponding disciplines and video creators/editors who are familiar with the teaching style in China. We are eager to recruit more qualified volunteers with the right ideals and abilities, and we offer many rewards and volunteer recognition.

2) Lack of promotion of the project in China’s rural regions – We need to make our site a well-known free education platform. Many sites in China have copied learning materials directly from Khan Academy and are charging fees for people to access them. This is detrimental to our mission, and if people are not able to recognize and use the resources that we provide, then our work will be useless.

3. Lack of funding for project activities – Without long-term donations and Khan Academy’s direct financial support for the project (our Foundation is volunteering for Khan Academy), it is difficult for us to complete such a large-scale compilation and promotion work in a sustainable and efficient manner.

In order to effectively overcome the above three major problems, we hope to obtain individual and company contributions to our foundation. Please donate here!

The eEasy Foundation is eager to see friends from all over the world generously donate money, contribute, and give your love, kindness, and enthusiasm. Once we have solved the problem of our project funding, our foundation can reward and recruit volunteers with special professional skills in a timely manner, and better promote the “Khan Academy Simplified Chinese” free online education resource to benefit learners everywhere. Join us!

Please keep checking our website for updates on the project!